Local and Sustainable Food Security Efforts

The Oakland Greens strongly support efforts to promote neighborhood-level food security, including backyard and community gardens. The Dover Street Park stands as an excellent example of community gardening; neighborhood residents collectively tend to the garden, eat the produce, and give away extra at free farm stands. We also support sustainable agricultural practices, including minimizing pesticides and other chemical inputs, and the use of non-GMO seeds. We recently supported the state proposition to label genetically engineered foods.

We also support the collection of use of grey water and fresh rain water, and the conversion of park land to low-water native plants and edible gardens. We also support the efforts of groups such as Urban Releaf to increase tree cover, including through the use of fruit-bearing trees that can support neighborhood food security.


One of the greatest missed opportunities in Oakland and throughout the US is retrofitting older buildings to conserve resources. This includes improving insulation, replacing old bathroom fixtures with water-saving faucets and toilets, and installing solar panels. Learn more about retrofitting and other similar practices on the Bay Localize or Ecology Center websites.


Residents must feel safe walking, biking, and taking public transit throughout the city. Sidewalks must be usable, and bike lanes must be maintained and expanded. We also recommend moving bike lanes between the parked cars and sidewalk on busy streets, minimizing exposure to traffic hazards. Zoning should also promote the development of walkable streets, with neighborhood shops, restaurants, entertainment and schools all easily accessible. Reliable and affordable public transit must also be a priority.

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